Canalytical offers full support to our AA, ICP, Hg, CS/ONH and Physical Testing product lines. Our service representatives have over 30 years of field service experience and are factory trained:
Some of our factory training includes:
- Teledyne Leeman Labs: ICP-AES, Hg, DCArc
- Shimadzu: Atomic Absorption, Arc Spark, Physical Testers
- Thermo/ARL: Arc Spark Spectrometers
- Rigaku: EDXRF
- Hitachi Arc Spark Spectrometers
- Bruker Arc Spark, CS/NOH Analyzers
Not only do we provide emergency service at competitive rates, we also offer a variety of contracts to minimize downtime and optimize instrument performance.
Give us a call for a no obligation quotation on any of our services.
Spark Emission Calibration Services
Canalytical can perform a complete calibration of an Arc Spark spectrometer. We also offer a verification of your current calibration looking at both accuracy and precision using Test Uncertainty of 4:1 to the original Equipment Manufacturers specification. Our comprehensive suite of over 600 CRM’s in Aluminum, Copper Base, Cobalt, Nickel, Steels and Magnesium allows us to calibrate most alloys in the market.